(631) 724-1237  (321) 549-6187  info@cheersounds.com

Make Counting Easy: Download 8-Count Click Tracks!

Click-tracks and count-trcheersounds cheerleading 8count click tracksacks used to be just for filming a routine to simplify music synchronization. However, many teams are using them for practice, as well as for when creating count-sheets at practice.  These simple tracks play music beats and say each 8-count and beat as you perform the routine!

They are available at a 2:30 length in a variety of tempos. Most teams use 144 beats per minute. More advanced teams use a faster speed. This is a great way to determine what speed your mix should be even before you order music!

Click Here To Download The Click Track Pack zip file containing 5 click tracks from 137BPM to 150 BPM.

Here is one of our click-tracks (at the most common tempo of 144bpm) for preview or use at practice:
